Tuesday, 13 September 2016

PUNE, Maharashtra

Main Attraction: Shaniwar Wada

Shaniwar Wada was established by Bajirao Peshwa-I. The main door is about twenty one feet tall. The architecture of Shaniwar Wada was influenced by Moghul design and the hallmark of the Maratha craftsmanship. The door located in the north of the palace was named `Mastani Darwaza`.The present feature of Shaniwar Wada is not the actual one. Seven Peshwas later restructured the monument.

Brief History

In the beginning of the Rashtrakuta rule we get reference to a ‘Vishaya’ or district with headquarters at Poona or Punya and Punak as it was then called. Hence the word ‘Pune’ might have been originated from the word ‘Punya’ or sacred. This Sacredness might have been attached to the town because of the confluence of two rivers viz. Mula and Muthain its vicinity. Punak with the passage of time degenerated into ‘Pune’.

The district has the shape of a triangle with its base in the Sahya Mountains on the west and its apex in the extreme southeast corner near the point of confluence of the Bhima and Nira rivers. Pune a settlement unit is of great antiquity, with Nane and Bhorghats opening out from the district. It appears to have been a centre of highways for trade and commerce for over 2000 years. 

The story revealed by the numerous Buddhist caves in the area dated the 2nd Century A.D. indicates the Buddhist influence. The inscriptions in Buddhist caves make mention of a number of important trading places within and without the country of various social and occupational sections of the people and of recognized industrial associations. From the inscriptions at the Nane pass it is clear that as early as about 90 B.C. Junnar was the capital of a king of the Deccan. It will not be an exaggeration to say that, Junnar which for a long time during the historical period has been the chief city of the Poona district is in fact one of the oldest towns in Western India.

The chalukyasRashtrakutas and Yadavas ruled Poona during the Hindu period (300-1294 A.D.). With the conquest of Devgiri by AlauddinKhilji in 1294 A.D. and the acceptance by Ramdeorao Yadav of the suzerainty of the Delhi rulers. Poona passed indirectly under the Muslim rule. The BahamaniNazimshah’s and Adilshah’s ruled Poona during the meditval Muslim period (1295-1720). The Marathas reigned Poona during 1720-1818 till the capture of Poona by the British troops. The year 1876 witnessed one of the worst famines in India History and parts of Poona especially the eastern ones, were lead sufferers. Then onwards Britisher’s ruled Poona from 1819-1947, until it was finally freed from the British Clutches by the Great Indian Freedom Fighters.

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